I had a student come up to me the other day and ask how I was doing. I said "I AM FANTASTIC" and with irritation he looked at me and asked, "Why are you always fantastic?". I said "Because I just am!" You could tell that was not the answer he wanted to hear and as I thought about it I wondered why I was always FANTASTIC. Then I remembered the time I was at a trainer meeting with Floyd and he asked me how I was doing. I thought he really wanted to know the truth so I said "I'm okay". With a stern look in his eye he said "Gary you are one of God's creatures and being one of God's creatures you are never just okay you are FANTASTIC!" He suggested that I read As A Man Thinketh by James Allen (click the link and download the book FREE) everyday for 30 days (the whole book everyday). I did and ever since then I created a habit of reading, watching, or listening to something motivational daily. I think that since developing that habit I have a hightened awareness and now spot positive material all over the place. It's kind of like never noticing a certain car until you get a new one. Then suddenly you notice the car you bought everywhere!
Now, when anyone asks me how I am doing I always reply with the same answer "I AM FANTASTIC"! That tends to irritate a certain type of person I'll call the "Monday Moaner" but that's their problem not mine! I feel that when you wake up in the morning you have a choice to either be a Monday moaner (Tuesday, Wednesday, etc... doesn't matter the day) or you can be FANTASTIC! I choose FANTASTIC! Everyone knows the term "fake if till you make it" and thanks to Floyd I don't have to fake a positive attitude anymore - I always choose to look at the positive!
That leads me to something I'll call Motivational Monday and it's aimed squarely at the "Monday Moaners" and anyone else looking for resources to stay in a positive state of mind. Each Monday I'll share something from my library of motivational material and give you my spin on it and maybe some insight into how I used it personally. This week, it's obviously the book Floyd recommended to me, "As a Man Thinketh". What do you do to stay positive? Please leave your comments in the comments section and share this link with anyone around you who may need a pick-me-up!